Archer and GlobalFoundries to Advance 12CQ Chip Fabrication

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Insider Brief

  • Archer and GlobalFoundries, a world-leading semiconductor foundry, will work together on industry fabrication of its 12CQ quantum chip technology.
  • GlobalFoundries will provide Archer with expertise, equipment and manufacturing processes to develop the 12CQ chip.
  • This work is aimed at integrating its unique qubit material with mobile-compatible devices suitable for industrial-scale semiconductor nanofabrication.
  • Image: Archer staff operating inside the laboratory. Credit: Archer Materials.

PRESS RELEASE —  Archer Materials Limited has announced that it will work with world-leading semiconductor foundry, GlobalFoundries, to advance the development of its 12CQ quantum chip technology.

Archer’s innovation aims to integrate its unique qubit material with mobile-compatible devices that are in a form suitable for industrial-scale semiconductor nanofabrication. To scale the fabrication of Archer’s 12CQ chip devices and components, the company will need to work with industrial-scale manufacturers in the global semiconductor supply chain.

Archer will access the technology facilities and manufacturing processes of GlobalFoundries to explore pathways for potential high-volume manufacturing of 12CQ chip devices and components. Archer will work closely with GlobalFoundries on device and circuit design, technology development, and high-volume chip fabrication. Current quantum computing qubit architectures rely on custom made fabrication, unlike modern classical computing circuits that are manufactured in, and using, well-established industrial semiconductor facilities. Integrating qubit materials with existing industrial-scale foundries is a significant challenge in developing quantum processors.

“Archer is now positioned to leverage the expertise and capabilities of a tier-one semiconductor manufacturer to accelerate the development of the 12CQ quantum computing chip technology,” said Dr. Mohammad Choucair, CEO of Archer.

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The scientific breakthrough made in 2016 to realize Archer’s 12 CQ qubit material is available online in the peerreviewed scientific journal Nature Communications, which reports the advantages, technological tradeoffs, and the technological barriers that have been overcome towards realizing practical quantum computing, over several other qubit proposals. Patent information related to the 12 CQ chip qubit and proposed device(s) is available online, including examiner reports, through the WIPO website.

About Archer

Archer is a technology company developing advanced semiconductor devices, including processor chips that are relevant to quantum computing. Archer is developing the12CQ chip, a world-first qubit processor technology, that could potentially allow for quantum computing powered mobile devices (‘QPMDs’).

Source: Archer

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Matt Swayne

With a several-decades long background in journalism and communications, Matt Swayne has worked as a science communicator for an R1 university for more than 12 years, specializing in translating high tech and deep tech for the general audience. He has served as a writer, editor and analyst at The Quantum Insider since its inception. In addition to his service as a science communicator, Matt also develops courses to improve the media and communications skills of scientists and has taught courses. [email protected]

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