Quantonation Backs Quantum Signals, Using AI-Quantum Hybrid Solutions For Finance

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Insider Brief

  • Quantum Signals, co-founded by Yianni Gamvros and Iordanis Kerenidis, launched with backing from investor Quantonation to offer AI-quantum hybrid solutions for the finance sector.
  • The company’s initial product optimizes large order execution with advanced AI, with plans to integrate quantum computing as the technology advances.
  • Quantum Signals is committed to ethical innovation, ensuring responsible applications of their technology.

Quantum Signals, a new venture co-founded by Yianni Gamvros and Iordanis Kerenidis, has launched with the goal of reshaping the finance sector through the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing, according to a Quantonation blog post.

The company, supported by Quantonation, a key investor in the quantum technology space, aims to improve how traders handle large order executions and enhance the decision-making processes in financial markets.

In its announcement, Quantonation pointed out the long-standing contributions of Gamvros and Kerenidis to the quantum industry, showing confidence in Quantum Signals’ ability to deliver significant advancements in the financial sector.

Based on the company blog, the company’s initial offering appears to be focusong on optimizing the execution of large orders for traders, utilizing AI algorithms to analyze and act on market data in real-time. According to the founders, the integration of quantum computing is a long-term goal, which will build on the foundation of their AI-driven platform.

Combining AI and Quantum for Trading

Quantum Signals is taking a hybrid approach to market analysis by fusing advanced AI models with quantum insights as the technology matures. While quantum computing remains in development, the company has chosen to begin with classical AI-based products that address immediate market needs.

The platform is designed to provide trading signals, predicting the mid-price movements and liquidity trends of equities and futures during intraday trading sessions. This data-driven approach enables traders and portfolio managers to make more informed decisions, offering a practical tool for those managing large portfolios or conducting frequent trades. The use of AI allows Quantum Signals to generate accurate forecasts that guide trading strategies aimed at improving profitability and mitigating risk.

According to Quantum Signals’ website, the company’s platform models the microstructure of financial markets with precision, delivering real-time insights that could help traders and institutional investors better understand liquidity and price movements. This AI-driven tool is seen as the first step in what the founders believe will become a more powerful suite of solutions incorporating quantum computing technology in the future.

Practical Solutions with Quantum Ambitions

The founders of Quantum Signals emphasize that their approach is grounded in the realities of today’s technological landscape, while maintaining a vision for the future of quantum computing. By starting with AI and classical computational methods, they are addressing the immediate pain points in finance, such as order execution efficiency and market signal analysis, with the aim of gradually incorporating quantum computing insights as the technology develops.

Quantum computing has the potential to address complex problems that classical computers struggle with, particularly in the area of optimization, which is central to many financial algorithms. Although the integration of quantum technology is still some years away, Quantum Signals is positioning itself to take advantage of these future advancements by ensuring that its AI systems are designed to incorporate quantum capabilities when they become commercially viable.

Focus on Ethics and Sustainability

Quantum Signals places a significant emphasis on ethical and sustainable innovation. The company is committed to ensuring that its technology serves constructive purposes and explicitly excludes any applications related to military use. This stance aligns with growing concerns within the AI and quantum communities about the responsible development and deployment of new technologies.

In addition to their ethical considerations, the company highlights a strong commitment to stakeholder well-being, suggesting that their business decisions will be made with the long-term impacts on customers, employees, and society in mind.

Matt Swayne

With a several-decades long background in journalism and communications, Matt Swayne has worked as a science communicator for an R1 university for more than 12 years, specializing in translating high tech and deep tech for the general audience. He has served as a writer, editor and analyst at The Quantum Insider since its inception. In addition to his service as a science communicator, Matt also develops courses to improve the media and communications skills of scientists and has taught courses. [email protected]

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