Quantum AI Foundation
While Poland is far from being a European leader when it comes to innovation in quantum computing (QC) and quantum information science (QIS) as of 2021, that doesn’t mean it is not up to anything at all. With several startups already busy discovering how quantum mechanics can best serve humanity like Alternatio, Beit and Quantum Blockchains in the commercial sector, the National Laboratory for Quantum Technologies and the International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies — Innovative Centre of Excellence, represent the Polish state in this sphere.
On a more granular level, QC groups are springing up all the time in the country, offering young people, university students and just those with a keen interest in the technology to get involved.
Of these, the Quantum AI Foundation is a good example of where Poland is heading in this direction. Founded in 2019 by mathematician and computer scientist Pawel Gora as a charity organization to support education, research, development and collaboration in science and new technologies — especially in QC and AI — it also covers other fields such as mathematics and computer science. Through the organizing of meetups like at the Warsaw Quantum Computing Group (WQCG), workshops on QC that include QPoland and QWorld, contests, hackathons and similar events that focus on education and enhancing research and collaboration, the Quantum AI Foundation hopes to popularize QIS and other deep tech sectors in Poland.
Reliable Partners
Backed by strategic partners Snarto, a company working on optimizing logistics and interested in applying quantum computing technologies in its solutions, as well as Codec, a company that delivers and implements analytical, budgeting and business Intelligence to IT markets across Europe, the Quantum AI Foundation can also boast ICM, Students’ Association for Computer Science, Machine Learning Society at MIM UW, QPoland, ML in PL Association, OM PIT, AleQCG, WDI, Quantumz.io, Digital Poland Foundation as honorary partners.
On the Quantum AI Foundation’s advisory board is Professor Lech Mankiewicz, a former director of the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Adam Sawicki, an associate professor of mathematical physics at the same institute.
Like other Central and Eastern European (CCE) countries, Poland is making a concerted effort to reach the levels already attained by Germany, France and the Netherlands further west in quantum tech innovation, both academically and commercially speaking. With initiatives such as the Quantum AI Foundation and others, though, the country can only improve its chances of making an impact in the sector.
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