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Quantum China Weekly – Volume 5 (2021/05/07-2021/05/13)

Quantum China Weekly
Quantum China Weekly
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Quantum China Weekly

This week, China’s first photonic quantum computing startup TuringQ, announced the completion of an angel funding round of nearly 100 million RMB, which is the third highest funding record in the global photonic quantum computing field, after PsiQuantum and Xanadu.

In the field of research, CSU has made progress in the study of topological properties of non-Ermic singularities, and microwave resonant cavity probing semiconductor quantum chips. Professor Pan Jianwei’s team successfully developed a 62-qubit programmable superconducting quantum computing processor, which is very significant.

Meanwhile, SUSTech scholars have made progress in the experimental research of quantum principal component analysis. And in the finals of ASC20-21 World Student Supercomputing Competition held in SUSTech, Jinan University won the championship and Tsinghua University was the runner-up.

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Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences will hold the 38th Quantum Science Forum on May 20, which will feature keynote presentations by algorithm scientists and quantum algorithm scientists from the JD Exploration Institute.

The “2021 Annual Beijing Wave Spectrum Conference” will be held in Beijing from May 14-16. CIQTEK will attend the conference with its electronic paramagnetic resonance spectrometer, quantum diamond single spin spectrometer and other products.


China’s first photonic quantum computing startup TuringQ, raised nearly 100 Million RMB in angel round

On May 7, TuringQ, China’s first photonic quantum computing company founded in early 2021 and led by quantum information scientist Professor Hyun Min Kim, announced the completion of an angel round of funding of nearly RMB 100 million.


Progress in the study of topological properties of non-Ermic singularities at CSU

By high-precision quantum manipulation of diamond quantum bits, scholars at CSU have realized the dynamics around non-Ermy singularities for the first time in the quantum system and successfully observed the singularity-based eigenstate transition.
paper: https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.170506

Progress in microwave resonant cavity detection of semiconductor quantum chips at CSU

The team of academician Guangcan Guo of CSU, in collaboration with Origin Quantum, has realized the excitation energy spectrum measurement of semiconductor double quantum dots using microwave superconducting resonant cavities.

Paper: https://journals.aps.org/prapplied/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.044045

CSU successfully developed 62-qubit programmable superconducting quantum computing processor

A research team consisting of Professors Pan Jianwei and Zhu Xiaobo and researcher Peng Chengzhi at the Chinese University of Science and Technology (CSU) has successfully developed a 62-qubit programmable superconducting quantum computing prototype “Zuchongzhi” and realized a programmable two-dimensional quantum walk on this basis.

Paper: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2021/05/05/science.abg7812

SUSTech scholars make progress in experimental research on quantum principal component analysis

In collaboration with the Quantum Sensing Research Center of Zhijiang Laboratory, scholars at SUSTech have implemented a quantum principal component analysis algorithm based on parametric quantum circuits on a four-qubit spin system based on a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum computing platform.

Paper: https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.110502

ASC20-21 World Student Supercomputing Competition Finals Held at SUSTech

On May 12, the 2020-2021 ASC World Student Supercomputing Competition (ASC20-21) finals were held at SUSTech. The final competition required the teams to design and build their own supercomputing systems under the constraint of 3000 watts power consumption, and run quantum computing simulation QuEST and other cutting-edge scientific and engineering applications. A total of 28 teams participated in the competition, with Jinan University winning the championship and Tsinghua University the runner-up.


Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences upcoming quantum science forum events

The 38th Quantum Science Forum will be held on May 20 (Thursday) from 14:00 to 16:00, featuring a presentation by Xing-Yao Wu, a quantum algorithm scientist at the JD Institute of Discovery, on “Exponential Acceleration with Quantum Reinforcement Learning” and a presentation by Yu-Xuan Du, an algorithm scientist at the JD Institute of Discovery, on “Exploring the Practical Potential of Variational Quantum Algorithms with Advantages”.

2021 Annual Beijing Wave Spectrum Conference to be held soon

The “2021 Beijing Wave Spectrum Annual Conference” will be held in Beijing from May 14-16. CIQTEK will attend the conference with its electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer and quantum diamond single spin spectrometer. Dr. Kebiao Xu, General Manager of CIQTEK Magnetic Resonance Division, will give a presentation entitled “Latest Progress of CIQTEK Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer”.

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