Zurich Zurich

Developing the Quantum Future with Bluefors Lab

Quantum Source Quantum Source

At Bluefors, our goal is to enable the quantum technology breakthrough by providing groundbreaking tools and infrastructure necessary for cutting edge research and development. However, we also recognize the importance of making ultra-low temperature cooling technology more accessible to research groups, companies, and start-ups. Innovation happens throughout the quantum ecosystem; as industry leaders we believe we want to support the community as a whole, and help enable new developments that might drive or determine the future of the quantum sector.

To help companies succeed in the early stages of their development, we created the Bluefors Lab – a service providing easy and convenient access to a cryogenic measurement system for testing quantum hardware and software. The Lab provides an accessible way to carry out research in the quantum field without the need for investment in a complete, on premises system.

Located in Delft, the Netherlands, the Bluefors Lab provides “quantum measurements as a service”. By renting time at our Lab, startups or research groups benefit from working directly with our industry-leading technology, supported by our on-site specialists, so they can carry out experiments and validate their work.

The Bluefors Lab is based around our high-performing dilution refrigerator, alongside a suite of measurement electronics designed to optimize workflows and make maximum use of the time available. Additional hardware can be added or switched depending on experimental needs, and it’s even possible to monitor the system remotely once everything is up and running.

The Lab focuses primarily on supporting research projects that involve electrical measurements of devices operating at millikelvin temperatures, but the hardware and the cooling system have been selected to enable multiple user applications. As such, as well as testing quantum applications, the Lab offers ample opportunity for other types of research.

Experiments are carried out with consultation and support from Bluefors to better enable success by ensuring that the cryogenic measurement system operates as needed. Before any experiments begin, we consult with users on how they can optimize their time to be as efficient and successful as possible. Afterwards, we help you move forward from the first round of experiments to the following ones.

Previous customers in the lab have been highly appreciative of the confidential, reliable service we provide, while at the same time seeing the benefits of taking a collaborative and cooperative approach to marketing and promotion of their activities.

QuantrolOx – pioneers in the development of automated qubit control software to bring fast and reliable performance to superconducting and spin qubits – was one of the first companies to carry out experiments at the Bluefors Lab. With the help of Bluefors Lab, they’ve developed their first product, Quantum EDGE, which automates the tuning and optimization of superconducting quantum computers. The software can be used with QBlox, Quantum Machines, and Zurich Instruments control electronics.

Dr. Jelena Trbovic, QuantrolOx’s Director of Business Development, says “Bluefors Delft Lab is an integral part of QuantrolOx product development process. Having a convenient and impeccably maintained setup at the Bluefors Lab in Delft has a profound impact on the speed and quality of Quantum EDGE development. Utilizing this resource, we deliver high-quality software rigorously tested in cryogenic conditions – just like those in our customers’ labs”

If you’re part of a young startup or research group looking to run tests or prove ideas for future investment, Bluefors Lab might be exactly what you need. With our team taking responsibility for the operation of the dilution refrigerator, you can focus on your work. Small teams especially benefit from the expertise that we provide to support you in your work.

To find out more or to book time in the lab, read more at

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