The Blaise Pascal [re]Generative Quantum Challenge Underway

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Insider Brief

  • Blaise Pascal [re]Generative Quantum Challenge is dedicated to creating solutions to environmental challenges with quantum computers.
  • The hackathon has garnered overwhelming interest, exceeding original capacity limits of 700 participant
  • Competing teams have the chance to share a prize pool of 50,000€, including a 15,000€ award for the top contender.

PRESS RELEASE — With rising concerns over climate change and the environmental footprint of digital solutions, the inaugural Blaise Pascal [re]Generative Quantum Challenge, a unique hackathon running from October 5th to November 15th, seeks to bridge the gap. Dedicated to creating solutions to environmental challenges with quantum computers, the hackathon has garnered overwhelming interest, exceeding original capacity limits of 700 participants.

The Challenge’s core objective: harness quantum computing for tangible, sustainable progress. Embracing the philosophy that “quantum computing is the roadmap towards greener calculations,” participants from diverse backgrounds and expertise have been inspired to reimagine sustainable solutions.

The interest in quantum computing and desire to solve the world’s toughest problems is exemplified by large number of registrations and more than 60 projects proposed. Participants hail from over 25 countries and six continents. The strongest interest came from France, India, United States, United Kingdom and Germany. Emphasizing inclusivity and accessibility, the hackathon has drawn participants with backgrounds ranging from the fields of artificial intelligence and quantum computing to marketing and design.

Competing teams have the chance to share a prize pool of 50,000€, including an impressive 15,000€ award for the top contender, to be unveiled on the final demo day, November 15. In collaboration with PASQAL, participants will immerse themselves in advanced quantum computing technologies, fostering innovation, networking, and exploration.

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Camille de Valk, Quantum Applications Scientist in Capgemini’s Quantum Lab said, “I’m looking forward to being a mentor in the Blaise Pascal [re]Generative Quantum Challenge. I can spread my experience with quantum use cases. At the same time, it’s a great opportunity for me and the Capgemini team to familiarise ourselves with the neutral atom computing paradigm.”

Georges Reymond the CEO of PASQAL commented, “As we navigate the complexities of climate change, the imperative for sustainable solutions is evident. The irony is stark – the digital solutions of today demand vast processing power, incurring high energy costs and increasing the very carbon emissions we aim to reduce. Quantum computing stands out as a potential answer, promising the ability to calculate immense possibilities both quickly and efficiently. Thanks to the best-in-class power of our neutral atoms quatum computers, we’re pioneering a journey to leverage this remarkable technology for viable, sustainable applications.”

The challenges are associated with some of the most pressing issues facing our planet, each challenge corresponds to one or multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Sustainable transport, industry and circular economy (SDG 9, 12)
  • Smart cities including clean water and sanitation (SDG 6,11)
  • Smart grids and affordable/clean energy (SDG 7)
  • Drug discovery (SDG3)
  • Environment, climate and biodiversity (SDG 13, 14, 15)
  • Sustainable agriculture (SDG2)

In collaboration with PASQAL, participants will immerse themselves in advanced quantum computing technologies, fostering innovation, networking, and exploration. More than a competition, the Blaise Pascal [re]Generative Quantum Challenge is intended to offer an opportunity for growth, collaboration, and transformative impact.

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Matt Swayne

With a several-decades long background in journalism and communications, Matt Swayne has worked as a science communicator for an R1 university for more than 12 years, specializing in translating high tech and deep tech for the general audience. He has served as a writer, editor and analyst at The Quantum Insider since its inception. In addition to his service as a science communicator, Matt also develops courses to improve the media and communications skills of scientists and has taught courses. [email protected]

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