Toshiba Digital Solutions and Classiq to Collaborate on Gate-based Quantum Computing

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Insider Brief

  • Toshiba Digital Solutions announced it will collaborate with Classiq on gate-based quantum computing.
  • Toshiba is offering quantum technologies such as quantum key distribution and quantum-inspired optimization solutions.
  • Classiq offers a user-friendly gate-based quantum computing software platform.

PRESS RELEASE — Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation (Toshiba Digital Solutions) and Classiq Technologies Ltd. (Classiq) signed a technology collaboration agreement in the gate-based quantum computing.

Quantum computers are next-generation technologies that have the potential to efficiently solve problems that conventional computers could not solve or take a very long time to solve based on the principles of quantum mechanics. Quantum computers can be broadly classified into two types which are the Ising machine type and the gate-based universal computer. While the Ising machine is specialized in solving combinatorial optimization problems, the gate-based is intended for general-purpose applications. Although the gate- based is still in the development stage, it is expected to be applied to various fields such as AI (machine learning), optimization and simulation in the future. However, software development in gate-based quantum computing requires advanced expertise about quantum circuit design.

Toshiba Digital Solutions is offering quantum technologies such as Quantum Key Distribution and SQBMTM that is a quantum-inspired optimization solution based on the Simulated Bifurcation Machine on conventional computers. Furthermore, Toshiba Digital Solutions has a wide variety of AI technologies including Toshiba analytics AI “SATLYSTM” and development achievements, and is applying them to industrial fields.

Classiq delivers a user-friendly gate-based quantum computing software platform that enables both beginner and expert designers to rapidly generate, analyze and execute quantum circuits.

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In the agreed technology collaboration, utilizing the know-how cultivated in technological development of quantum and AI, Toshiba Digital Solutions will conduct technical evaluations of quantum AI, etc. by using the Classiq platform. And based on the results, Toshiba Digital Solutions will explore various use cases that the gate-based quantum computing will enable to solve in the field of energy, social infrastructure, smart manufacturing, carbon neutrality, and circular economy, etc. where Toshiba Group has many years of experience. Classiq will support TDSL’s use case exploration and optimize the platform for these industrial use cases.

Based on this collaboration, Toshiba Digital Solutions and Classiq will work together to create new value by leveraging the gate-based quantum computing for industrial customers across the businesses they serve.

Shunsuke Okada, President and CEO of Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation said, “We are excited to have the opportunity of technology collaboration with Classiq. We will create new value through QX (Quantum Transformation) together by combining Classiq platform and Toshiba Group’s quantum technology, AI, and IT knowledge cultivated over many years.”

Nir Minerbi, Classiq CEO said, “We’re excited to collaborate with Toshiba Digital Solutions, a global technology leader. Classiq’s state-of-the-art quantum software platform combined with Toshiba Digital Solution’s deep AI, IT knowledge and advanced technological expertise will be leveraged to explore and architect sophisticated quantum algorithms enabling an industrial Quantum Transformation (QX).”

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Matt Swayne

With a several-decades long background in journalism and communications, Matt Swayne has worked as a science communicator for an R1 university for more than 12 years, specializing in translating high tech and deep tech for the general audience. He has served as a writer, editor and analyst at The Quantum Insider since its inception. In addition to his service as a science communicator, Matt also develops courses to improve the media and communications skills of scientists and has taught courses. [email protected]

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