New Master in Quantum Communication & Computing Course at the Polytechnic University of Turin, Bringing The Opportunities of Quantum Technologies To a New Generation of Learners

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A new partnership has been launched between Intesa Sanpaolo and the Polytechnic University of Turin (Politecnico di Torino) for the realization of the Masters in Quantum Communication and Computing.

Intesa Sanpaolo and Politecnico di Torino have signed a new implementation protocol for the realization of the second-level Master in Quantum Communication and Computing.

The Masters is organized by the university, in collaboration with the National Institute of Metrological Research (INRiM) — a Public Research Body supervised by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and with the Links Foundation — an institution that operates in innovation, applied research and technology transfer.

Intesa Sanpaolo — together with other actors of Italian research and industry in the field of innovation — collaborates in the realization of the didactic activities of the Masters, providing its corporate expertise and the professionalism of its collaborators.

Why & What?

The Masters came about from the common will of the partners to combine experiences and knowledge by creating a network capable of working in synergy on the development of quantum technologies. In particular, the interest of the partners concerns the avant-garde fronts and the most interesting sectors of quantum innovation such as quantum cryptography, quantum communication, quantum computers, quantum sensors and quantum metrology.

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Recipients & Employment Opportunities

The Masters is designed for recent graduates interested in deepening their skills in the areas of Quantum Communication and Quantum Computing, sectors in strong prospective growth and provides a good command of the theories behind quantum technologies and knowledge applied to quantum communication.

It also guarantees highly specialized technical employment opportunities in technologically advanced companies operating in financial services, telecommunications, aerospace, and defence.

Times & Didactic Structure

The Masters starts in November 2022 and has a total duration of approximately 12 months.

The educational program includes about 720 hours of training, of which 300 are intended for the internship aimed at experimenting and consolidating the theoretical knowledge learned in the field, through project work.

There are also company visits to partner companies and specialized laboratories on quantum technologies.

The Masters concludes with a final group test agreed upon with the teachers and with the companies that have welcomed the students for the internship.

The Collaboration of Intesa Sanpaolo

Intesa Sanpaolo provides educational support by making its company expertise available. The Managers and Professionals of the Group will hold co-lectures, testimonials and thematic in-depth seminars. During the planned company visit, all the students of the Masters will be able to get in touch with the Bank’s Organizational Structures, and some of them will be welcomed on stage to deepen and apply what they have learned. Intesa Sanpaolo also offers a contribution for the total and/or partial exemption of the registration fee for three deserving students.

The Socio-economic Impact of the Intesa Sanpaolo — Politecnico di Torino Partnership

The quantum technologies of Quantum Communication and Computing create new opportunities for solving computational, security and communication problems. The applications of these technologies are still to be imagined, but they will certainly have significant and multiple impacts, for example, in the evolution of artificial intelligence, machine learning, cryptography, cybersecurity and image optimization, creating new scenarios in organization and in social, economic, environmental, health and energy processes.

For this reason, national and international development networks are needed capable of transforming research into knowledge applied to processes and products, thanks to the enhancement and synergy between people with key skills and companies capable of transferring and integrating new technologies into production processes.

Goals & Actions

The Bank and the Polytechnic pursue the aim of training young people capable of becoming real points of reference and therefore the first and fundamental piece to give substance to the choices made together.

For more market insights, check out our latest quantum computing news here.

James Dargan

James Dargan is a writer and researcher at The Quantum Insider. His focus is on the QC startup ecosystem and he writes articles on the space that have a tone accessible to the average reader.

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