Never An Invasion
The opening up of China over the last four decades has created a dragon — both in an economic and innovative sense — of unimaginable proportions. In all areas of global trade, geopolitical influence and technological invention, the Chinese are set to be the leaders in a scope never before seen in history.
With critics condemning the actions of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as an everyday occurrence, here at TQD we take a more conciliatory approach to the consequences of what decisions are made in the National People’s Congress.
And anyway, China hasn’t invaded another country or territory in two thousand years. Some would argue Tibet is a case in point. Okay, let’s say the Chinese are not innocent here — where does that leave the UK, the US, Russia, France, Japan, and Germany then?
You see?
Well anyway, I’ve wandered far off the topic I wanted to raise, that of China and its quantum computing journey, one that will — above all other things — earn it worldwide respect and technological advantage over the US, Russia and Europe.
Landscape Q
Quantum gurus like Pan Jianwei, head of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the World Academy of Sciences and Executive Vice President of the University of Science and Technology of China and others are playing an important part in their country’s quantum story. The big Chinese corporations like Baidu Research, Huawei Cloud, Tencent Quantum Lab, and ZTE have been joined by smaller startups Origin Quantum and QuDoor (highlighted in an article here) etc so Beijing can compete globally with what’s happening in a commercial sense around the world.
In research initiatives, too, China is no slouch either, with the Spin Quantum Computing Laboratory (SpinQ) a prime example of how seriously Chinese scientists are taking the technology.
Spin Quantum Computing Laboratory
Founded in 2017, the SpinQ is the brainchild of Professor Dawei Lu’s research group. It is sponsored by the Department of Physics at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), the Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (SIQSE) and the Peng Cheng Laboratory to conduct research on spin-based quantum technologies and their applications in quantum computing, with the experimental platforms including nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR).
The youthful team (all five faculty members were born after 1985) doesn’t mean they are not creative nor productive. With over 100 papers in quantum computing, including some 20 papers in Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, and npj Quantum Information, the initiative offers grants for Thousand Talents Plan for Young Professional (two General Programs and two Youth Programs) of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Professor Dawei Lu and his group focus on five key areas of quantum tech:
• Quantum Control
• Quantum Simulation
• NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance)
• Spin Control in NV System
• Benchtop NMR for quantum education
The Spin Quantum Computing Laboratory is just a sign of things to come, as along with Tsinghua University’s Center for Quantum Information and the University of Science and Technology of China’s Division of Quantum Physics and Quantum Information, Dawei Lu and his team of scientific upstarts are ready to break new ground in quantum information science (QIS), making the gap between China and the rest of the world bigger. Yet, this global quantum race may just be the thing needed for the industry to reach new heights, and eventually, help humanity get to its true potential.
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