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Oxford Instruments NanoScience Gains Momentum in Quantum Computing

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Oxford NanoScience
Oxford Instruments NanoScience says its ProteoxLX, a dilution refrigerator, will take the research into quantum computing to the next level, enabling its commercialization globally.
Oxford Instruments NanoScience is today announcing its latest innovation in Cryofree® dilution refrigerator technology for quantum computing scale up, the ProteoxLX, as well as new quantum computing customer collaborations worldwide.
Since the launch of Proteox at APS Physics last year, Oxford Instruments has announced its partnership with the University of Glasgow as well as with Rigetti and start-up, Oxford Quantum Circuits. Oxford Instruments NanoScience has also secured significant wins outside of Europe more recently, with Proteox selected by SpinQ Technology Ltd. in China.
“NanoScience is committed to driving leadership and innovation to support the development and commercialisation of quantum computing around the world,” states Stuart Woods, Managing Director of Oxford Instruments NanoScience. “And today’s announcement is testament to this — the momentum that we’ve built over the past twelve months will bring the promise of quantum computing to major industries such as the pharmaceutical sector, bringing drugs to market more quickly.”
About the ProteoxLX
Optimised for Quantum computing, the ProteoxLX is part of Oxford Instruments family of next generation dilution refrigerators which all share the same modular layout to provide cross-compatibility and added flexibility for cryogenic installations. The LX system can maximise qubit counts with large sample space and ample coaxial wiring capacity, low vibration features for reduced noise and support of long qubit coherence times, and full integration of signal conditioning components.
The LX also offers two fully customisable Secondary Inserts for an optimised layout of cold electronics and high-capacity input and output lines, fully compatible and interchangeable across the Proteox family. Finally, the ProteoxLX offers the greatest cooling power with 25 µW cooling power available at 20 mK, low base temperature at < 7 mK, and twin pulse tubes providing up to 4.0 W cooling power at 4 K.
You can find out more about ProteoxLX here..
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Matt Swayne

With a several-decades long background in journalism and communications, Matt Swayne has worked as a science communicator for an R1 university for more than 12 years, specializing in translating high tech and deep tech for the general audience. He has served as a writer, editor and analyst at The Quantum Insider since its inception. In addition to his service as a science communicator, Matt also develops courses to improve the media and communications skills of scientists and has taught courses. [email protected]

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