Quantum Computing Now Podcast Episode 15 – Anisha Musti & Quantum Machine Learning

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Ethan and Anisha Musti chat about what’s going on in the world of quantum, and Ethan learns a thing or two about quantum machine learning.

Anisha’s Medium: https://medium.com/@anishamusti Anisha’s Website: http://anishamusti.com/ Anisha’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/anishamusti Q-munity website: https://www.qmunity.tech/ Anisha on The Quantum Daily: https://www.thequantuminsider.com/user/anisham/?profiletab=posts AlphaZero for Quantum: https://phys.org/news/2020-01-alphazero-quantum-world.html Tensorflow Quantum: https://www.tensorflow.org/quantum Microsoft Quantum Impact: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFPUGjQjckXFsOEBvvaDeIk5GxctP0ZhX Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com https://twitter.com/1ethanhansen [email protected] https://www.thequantuminsider.com/

Dmitry Suslenkov

TQD Lead website engineer. I am working on powerful and friendly solutions for our followers.

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