CQC’s Press Release: t|ket>™: A Retargetable Compiler for NISQ Devices

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cambridge quantum computing

Cambridge Quantum Computing released this System Description Paper detailing the design and construction of t|ket>™, CQC’s class leading quantum software development platform. The paper describes advanced features that enable users to get optimal performance from their quantum software development work, regardless of the quantum computer used. The paper concludes:

“..t|ket>™ offers significant improvement in terms of gate count and gate depth over other comparable compiler systems when evaluated on realistic quantum circuits and real quantum architectures. Further, for devices with heterogeneous gate and qubit error rates t|ket>™ can use the component-level fidelity information to appreciably improve overall device performance. For NISQ era quantum computing, such performance differences may be the margin between success and failure.”

These findings demonstrate that t|ket>™ leads the industry in quantum circuit optimization. This is in line with CQC’s mission to make NISQ era quantum computers optimally effective and useful in areas such as Quantum Chemistry for Material Science and Quantum Machine Learning for Finance. t|ket>™ helps quantum computing advance towards real world implementation.


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