Zurich Zurich

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Blue laser lights

China Building Infrastructure For Attosecond Lasers

Insider Brief China has begun constructing a major scientific facility designed to generate attosecond lasers, a cutting-edge technology that can “see” ultrafast particles and could be used to boost that nation’s efforts to tap quantum computing, according to Guangdong Today. The Advanced Attosecond Laser Infrastructure (AALI) will span two sites:

Exploring the brain through science

Is Consciousness Research The Next Big Quantum Use Case?

Insider Brief The once shiny, exciting use cases for quantum technology may turn out to be pretty mundane if a small, but courageous band of researchers proves their theories correct. After all, using quantum computers to find new drug treatments, navigate the world without global positioning systems, and optimize complex

HENSOLDT to Support DLR on Quantum Radar Optimization for Defense Applications

Insider Brief: PRESS RELEASE — The sensor solutions provider HENSOLDT has been awarded a contract by the DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (DLR QCI) for the QUA-SAR research project. The research project aims to optimise complex radar remote sensing scenarios. In the research project, HENSOLDT is working together with the Microwaves


D-Wave Announces 2024 Bookings and First On-Premise Advantage System Sale

Insider Brief: PRESS RELEASE — In a recent release, D-Wave Quantum Inc. reported fiscal year 2024 bookings exceeding $23 million and a 120% increase compared to fiscal year 2023. The company also disclosed the sale of its first-ever on-premise D-Wave Advantage annealing quantum computing system. This reflects a shift in

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