Global Quantum Leaders Unite, Forge Strategic Alliances for The Future at Quantum Australia 2024 Conference

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At the Quantum Australia 2024 Conference, a panel discussion titled “Australia’s Place in the Global Quantum Economy and Strategic International Partnerships” brought together a distinguished group of international experts to discuss the burgeoning quantum technology sector. Hosted from February 20–22 at the Royal Randwick Racecourse in Sydney, the event was a testament to the global collaborative effort required to advance in the quantum field. The panel, chaired by Michelle Simmons, CEO of Silicon Quantum Computing, included key figures like Australia’s Chief Scientist Cathy Foley, Dimitri Kusnezov from the US Department of Homeland Security, Roger McKinlay from UK Research and Innovation, and Tadashi Sakai from Q-LEAP Quantum Metrology and Sensing.

The Sydney Quantum Academy facilitated the conference, symbolizing the collaborative spirit between research universities and the NSW Government. The discussion highlighted each nation’s contributions to quantum technology, reflecting on the unique strategies and challenges faced by Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan.

Cathy Foley drew attention to the necessity of a national quantum strategy for Australia, citing the country’s historical innovations and the potential for quantum technology to diversify Australia’s economy.

“It’s a real pleasure to actually champion all the research here because it is such high quality, but how can we actually turn this into something which is an industry?” said Foley, spotlighting the importance of transforming research excellence into tangible industry outcomes.

In the US, Dimitri Kusnezov shared insights into the National Quantum Initiative, which represented a significant investment of $1.2 billion over five years, highlighting the science-first approach that underpins US efforts in quantum technology.

“Science first is the main item there,” said Kusnezov, pointing out the prioritization of scientific discovery in the quantum domain.

Roger McKinlay from the UK brought attention to the UK’s quantum strategy, which includes investing £2.5 billion over ten years in quantum technology. The strategy aims to foster a world-leading quantum science and engineering community and create an ecosystem where quantum technologies can thrive.

“The real driver here is the science and engineering community because we know the art of the possible,” McKinlay stated. This emphasized the critical role of science in driving technological advancements.

Tadashi Sakai discussed Japan’s evolving quantum strategy, which includes ambitious goals like achieving 10 million users for quantum technology in Japan. Sakai highlighted the importance of collaboration between academia, industry, and government to propel Japan forward in the quantum race.

“The partnership company, universities, people encourage partnership [as a] good way,” Sakai remarked, showcasing Japan’s commitment to fostering collaboration in quantum research and development.

This panel underscored the global nature of quantum technology development, emphasizing the importance of international collaboration and strategic partnerships. As nations navigate the complex quantum landscape, these discussions illuminate the path towards a cohesive global quantum economy, leveraging the strengths of each country to achieve collective advancements in this cutting-edge field.

Featured image: Credit: Quantum Australia 2024 Conference

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James Dargan

James Dargan is a writer and researcher at The Quantum Insider. His focus is on the QC startup ecosystem and he writes articles on the space that have a tone accessible to the average reader.

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