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EPO: Quantum Computing’s Patent Growth is Multiplying, Leads Tech Industry

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Insider Brief

  • The European Patent Organization (EPO) reports that the number of inventions in the field of quantum computing multiplied over the last decade.
  • Roughly one out of ten European patent applications in the field of quantum computing has several patent applicants, suggesting active cooperation between them.
  • Key Insight: “The above-average share of international patent applications suggests high economic expectations with regard to the technologies in question and multinational commercialisation strategy.”
  • Image: EPO new building in the Hague

PRESS RELEASE — The European Patent Organization (EPO) reports that the number of inventions in the field of quantum computing multiplied over the last decade and that quantum computing inventions show a higher growth rate than in all fields of technology in general, according to a press release.

The report also mentions signs of collaboration in the quantum computing industry.

The EPO published its patent insight report on quantum computing, the second in a series of EPO patent insight reports related to quantum technologies

Over the last decade or so, many large technology companies have been heavily invested in developing quantum computing technologies. It is a highly advantageous and competitive technology that has many advantages over classical systems, such as being able to analyse vast amounts of data that traditional computer systems simply cannot do within reasonable timeframes.

The report provides, in the light of publicly available patent information, an overview of quantum computing at large and the following sub-sectors: physical realisations of quantum computing, quantum error correction and mitigation, and technologies related to quantum computing and artificial intelligence/machine learning.

Some of the key findings of this report are:

  • The number of inventions in the field of quantum computing multiplied over the last decade.
  • Quantum computing inventions show a higher growth rate than in all fields of technology in general.
  • The above-average share of international patent applications suggests high economic expectations with regard to the technologies in question and multinational commercialisation strategy.
  • There is a dynamic patent trend in the sub-sectors ‘physical realisations of quantum computing’, ‘quantum error correction/mitigation’ and ‘quantum computing and artificial intelligence/machine learning’, where the number of inventions also multiplied.

Roughly one out of ten European patent applications in the field of quantum computing has several patent applicants, suggesting active cooperation between them. The patent applicants come from all continents, with a clear focus on the same region or continent.

While the number of inventions for all fields of technology is continuously increasing (right scale), the increase in the field of quantum computing is far above average (left scale). There are no signs that this dynamic development in the field of quantum computing will slow down in the next few years and as we move ever deeper into a more complex digital landscape, it will be more important than ever for innovation, and cooperation within the field, to be encouraged and nurtured so it ensures society as a whole can benefit.

For more market insights, check out our latest quantum computing news here.

Matt Swayne

With a several-decades long background in journalism and communications, Matt Swayne has worked as a science communicator for an R1 university for more than 12 years, specializing in translating high tech and deep tech for the general audience. He has served as a writer, editor and analyst at The Quantum Insider since its inception. In addition to his service as a science communicator, Matt also develops courses to improve the media and communications skills of scientists and has taught courses. [email protected]

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