One of the major problems in scaling quantum computers is obstacles in temperature regulation. The reason being is for quantum computers to actually work they need to be kept at cryogenic temperatures. These temperatures are what scientists call “near absolute zero”, which is 1 Kelvin or −272.15° (−457.87°) or lower. At these frighteningly low temperatures, there is no chance for thermal energy to excite via vibrational motion that could molest the operational efficiency of the machines.
To combat the problem, well-established companies like Oxford Instruments NanoScience and younger players in the mould of ColdQuanta and Delft Circuits have come up with solutions specifically for the quantum computing (QC) market.
Yet there are other companies — with a long tradition in the sub-Kelvin cryocooler market — that are starting to service the nascent industry as well, and Chase Research Cryogenics is one of them.
Chase Research Cryogenics
Founded in Sheffield, UK, in 1993 by Dr. Simon Chase, Chase Research Cryogenics designs and manufactures sub-Kelvin cryocooler for astrophysics, nanotechnology, materials science, and biophotonics, though what interests TQD the most is the company’s application focus towards quantum technologies
These products include single-shot sub-Kelvin cryocoolers and continuous cryocoolers and can be used in quantum imaging with low-temperature detectors, secure optical communications, superconducting electronics, and low-temperature detectors.
In this sphere, the company is currently leading a project funded by Innovate UK to “demonstrate the feasibility of cooling a quantum processor with a low-cost, low-power, compact and mobile cryogenics platform.” Bringing together a special team for the project that comprises low-temperature research groups at Cardiff University, Lancaster University and Royal Holloway University of London, Chase Research Cryogenic final project partner, SeeQC — a startup founded in 2018 to develop the first digital quantum computing platform for global businesses — “provides the commercial superconducting quantum technology for testing the capabilities of our cryogenics platform, and of course vital system-user input to specification and performance requirements.”
Our research never stops…
— Chase Research Cryogenics
Customer network
With an impressive customer list that encompasses NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, California Institute of Technology and Argonne National Laboratory Chicago stateside, Chase Research Cryogenics’ European clients range from The Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge to the Max Planck Institute, Bonn while also including academic customers in China, Canada and Australia, too.
CEO of Chase Research Cryogenics is Lee Caroline Kenny, who has been in the position since 2017. Kenny has a Ph.D. in physics from UCL and before landing at Chase had nearly forty years working as a research specialist in aerosol physics and health regulation.
With close to three decades’ experience in the industry, a growing team of engineers and physicists all in-house and a partnership network that spans globally, Chase Research Cryogenics has everything it needs to make an impact in the quantum technologies sector.
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