Australian Companies Archer and Max Kelsen Eye a Quantum AI Future

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Archer staff holding two fabricated prototype ESR devices at a semiconductor foundry in Sydney
Archer staff holding two fabricated prototype ESR devices at a semiconductor foundry in Sydney.

In an exciting step for the Australian quantum technology ecosystem, small-cap, deep-tech
company Archer Materials Limited (“ASX: AXE”) has announced a collaboration agreement with Max Kelsen, a Queensland-based artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning business and recent AWS Partner of the Year, according to a company statement.

Both Archer and Max Kelsen are members of the global IBM Q Network, with Archer focused on developing the 12 CQ room-temperature quantum chip and Max Kelsen currently using machine learning and AI for technology optimization and solutions for government and enterprise.

The collaboration is a crucial step in the development of functional room-temperature quantum devices, as the principal purpose of quantum computing processors is the use of algorithms that significantly outperform modern computers and as a result, provide enormous advantages across global industries.

Commenting on the collaboration, Archer CEO Mohammad Choucair said: “As part of Archer’s forward-looking strategy, the collaboration with Max Kelsen – a leading AI and Quantum Computing firm – is a key step forward in the commercialization of our 12 CQ chip technology.

He added, “It’s a great example of how two Australian IBM Q Network Members are working together to realize the commercial potential of quantum computing. We will use IBM’s Qiskit and quantum machines to validate our work, and once validated, Archer intends to apply the end-user cases, algorithms and Qiskit to 12 CQ chip hardware,
which demonstrates the increasing value our partnerships bring as we progress in our

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Nicholas Therkelsen-Terry and some of Max Kelsen's team with the fridge at UQ
Nicholas Therkelsen-Terry and some of Max Kelsen’s team with the fridge at UQ

As IBM Q Network members, Archer and Max Kelsen will use IBM’s Qiskit open-source programming framework and cloud-based quantum computers to implement novel quantum algorithms that validate practical quantum computing applications.

Nicholas Therkelsen-Terry, CEO and co-founder of Max Kelsen commented on the agreement: “Max Kelsen is excited to enter into collaboration with Archer Materials to develop novel algorithms to support the use of Quantum Computing in AI development. Whilst attention has been centered on the hardware race to develop a fault-tolerant, high-qubit architecture, insufficient attention has been given to the importance of algorithms and software to run on these future machines. This collaboration will contribute to the growing global effort to develop industry-leading algorithms and software for future quantum computers. We are also excited to be working with an Australian quantum chip developer and improving our understanding of the capabilities of the 12 CQ room-temperature quantum chip for machine learning and AI use cases. This partnership extends Max Kelsen’s ongoing commitment to leading the advancement and realization of Quantum Computing technologies”

The collaboration will see Archer staff work directly with the quantum computing team at Max Kelsen to develop industrially relevant business use-cases of the 12 CQ technology. This will involve the use of quantum processors to run quantum algorithms that have real-world applications, such as Quantum Artificial Neural Networks.

The agreement is another example of Australia’s innovation and effort in the quantum
computing arena, an industry recently forecasted to be worth $4 billion in Australia alone, over the coming decades according to the CSIRO.

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Matt Swayne

With a several-decades long background in journalism and communications, Matt Swayne has worked as a science communicator for an R1 university for more than 12 years, specializing in translating high tech and deep tech for the general audience. He has served as a writer, editor and analyst at The Quantum Insider since its inception. In addition to his service as a science communicator, Matt also develops courses to improve the media and communications skills of scientists and has taught courses. [email protected]

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