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Atlanta QC Startup Promises Intelligent Systems For Tomorrow’s Economies

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Photo by David Matos on Unsplash

Out of Stealth Mode

Recent news that the French QC startup Alice & Bob managed to raise $3.3M in a Seed round led by Elaia, a digital/deep tech VC firm and Breega, a venture-capital concern focussed on financing startups in the digital economy, just goes to show how much some investors believe in the potential of the QC industry. This is especially pertinent as Alice & Bob was only founded this year and have been in stealth mode for much of the time (the startup’s website is still under construction!).

All this bodes well for those startups with an idea and enough brains in the team to realize concepts.

One of those QC startups with a great founder and leader is QBitLogic, an Atlanta-based company founded in 2015 by Arkadiy Miteiko.

QBitLogic is

Building a new generation of intelligent systems for tomorrow’s economies


It wants to achieve this by building ‘multi-purpose approaches and tools that synergize the power of artificial intelligence and quantum computing to help humans create and protect software systems across various industries.’

This ambitious project, of melding the two advanced technologies of QC and AI into a single component of efficacy, has its detractors as well as supporters.

But the story goes you have to start somewhere, so Miteiko obviously sees this.

In an article published earlier this year at TQD, journalist Matt Swayne noted four areas where QC will change AI forever:

1. Handling huge amounts of data

2. Building better models

3. [Developing] More accurate algorithms

4. Using multiple datasets

All these points seem sensible and not outlandish as with some of the other claims out there.


QBitLogic, to its credit, seems to be following the non-sensational route as the services include

[CODE]AI® ICEBERG EDITION a ‘product powered by deep learning in combination with traditional SAST and IAST technologies.’

The startup also has offerings in quantum machine learning and quantum algorithms.

Much, then, will depend on QBitLogic’s founder getting the startup to where it wants to be.

Miteiko has a BA in applied linguistics, English and German literature from Sevastopol State Humanitarian University and a B.Sc in mechanical engineering from Sevastopol State Technical University, as well as a diploma in financing and investing in infrastructure from the Università Bocconi, Italy. His well-balanced resume in both the humanities and sciences is just what an entrepreneur needs.

His practical experience is impressive, too. Apart from founding QBitLogic, he has also been involved in a California real estate investment fund and the founder of [Code]AI back in 2017.

QBitLogic, seeing it can help QC and AI come together for the benefit of mankind, will be an interesting startup to monitor over the coming years.

James Dargan

James Dargan is a writer and researcher at The Quantum Insider. His focus is on the QC startup ecosystem and he writes articles on the space that have a tone accessible to the average reader.

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