Editorial Policy

The Quantum Insider is the leading provider of information on the Quantum Computing market. As such we maintain high journalistic standards and abide by a strict set of editorial policies.

As the authoritative platform for news, data and information, The Quantum Insider Inc’s (“TQI”) mission is to inform, educate and connect the global Quantum Computing community, chronicling the industry development and creating forums for critical discussions.

As an independent company we maintain strict policies on editorial independence and transparency, described below. We strive for utmost fairness, accuracy, objectivity and responsible reporting, whether reporting original news or in reviewing and corroborating information from other sources. The editorial team will cover news with impartiality and integrity. All editorial team members and freelance writers for TQI are required to disclose any investments or outside activities associated with the Quantum Computing industry.

TQI, as an organization, does not take positions on the economic value on any given Quantum Computing project, though our outside opinion contributors may express their own views on such matters. TQI affiliates are not restricted from owning or investing in Quantum Computing-based projects as investments. However, TQI maintains disclosure guidelines that all contributors must follow when reporting on Quantum Computing companies in which they are invested.

These guidelines are periodically reviewed and updated.TQI earns money through data subscriptions, research and advertising. Before you submit an article to us, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you the right person to be writing this piece? Do you have some connection to the topic that makes you an expert or a relevant party? If the answer is no, it’s probably not wise to write an article about it.
  • Have you thought your argument through? Have you done your research? Can you anticipate the counter arguments and do you feel comfortable addressing your potential detractors up front? If not, perhaps your idea needs more time to bake.
  • Can you express your opinion in a single sentence? If not, keep working on it until it crystallizes into something clear. That sentence, after all, will likely be the headline.

How to Submit and What to Expect

Send stories directly on our website or to [email protected].  You can send either a completed piece or a pitch that clearly states your thesis and why you specifically are writing about it. Tell us about yourself first and foremost. Opinions only matter because of who is holding them, so do not bury your biographical information.

Include the phrase “Post-submission” in the subject line of your email message, along with a sentence describing your opinion. If there is a news peg for your piece, mention it within the first few lines of your pitch. Because of the volume of pitches we receive, we aren’t able to respond to each individual message. If we’re interested, we’ll be in touch.

Editing Process

We may edit your piece, sometimes extensively. We will work together to craft something that is the right tone, length, and quality for TQI. TQI has the final say on headlines, though we will try to make sure you are comfortable with the headline.

Any and all conflicts of interest or other disclosures must be made up front. We will include them in your author bio as a rule.

Thanks for your submissions!

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